Taking another individual's life is considered one of the most serious offenses one human being can commit. The penalties for taking another person's life, even accidentally, are extremely harsh. The judicial system is often unsympathetic towards individual's accused of manslaughter; therefore it is absolutely essential that you secure high quality, aggressive legal representation with a proven court record if you are accused of this crime. A Frederick criminal defense attorney can defend you against even the most serious of accusations.
In order to better understand the charges you may face, it is important to know the difference between murder and manslaughter. Murder, on one hand, entails that one individual intentionally takes another individual's life. Whether the crime was premeditated or if the accused individual acted in the heat of the moment bears heavily on the outcome of the case and the penalties the convicted individual receives. Manslaughter involves taking another person's life, but not intentionally. Manslaughter charges are usually leveled against individuals who ending someone's life accidentally. Killing someone in a drunk driving accident or through another form of negligence can lead to charges of involuntary manslaughter.
At Law Offices of John R. Discavage, PA, we strongly believe in our clients and will stand by their side throughout the entire legal process. A manslaughter conviction carries very serious consequences and the battle for your defense should be initiated as early as possible after your arrest.
We know how tough and difficult it is to face serious charges like manslaughter. Our firm will fight on your behalf so that you gain every possible advantage both in negotiations and at trial. No matter how serious the circumstances surrounding your case may be, a powerful defense is the most important factor in whether you are found guilty or are acquitted at trial. We are exceptionally qualified at trial, and urge you to contact our firm without delay.
Contact a Frederick manslaughter lawyer if you would like to defend yourself against accusations or charges of manslaughter.